Unveiling the Magic of Moonstone: Caveloot’s 5mm Natural White Moonstone

In the enchanting world of gemstones, moonstone holds a special allure. Known for its mystical sheen and connection with lunar energy, moonstone is not just a gem but a piece of the night sky you can wear. Today, we’re spotlighting a stunning piece from Caveloot, renowned for its exquisite gemstone… Continue reading

Unveiling the Mystery: The Allure of Star Rubies Now at CaveLoot

Stary Ruby

  Introducing our latest find: mesmerizing Star Rubies, freshly unearthed from the shadowy depths of the earth, now brought into the sunlight for your perusal! These captivating gems are round cabochon cuts with a stunning 6-ray star effect, crafted in a lab to mimic the allure of natural stones at… Continue reading